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Meat Baits - good yet under-used bait!

Meat baits are an excellent yet well underused group of baits that can really catch well on the toughest of waters, I've caught loads of carp on meat baits in the past and they will still catch you carp today and can compete against boilies on many waters ... I'll go through most of the good ones here, give em a try they do work!


Spam & Luncheon Meat - I've put these two meats together because they are both very similar in taste consistency and how will use them .... These great baits will catch you loads once the carp get the taste for them, you can cut them into cubes and place them straight on the hook if you wish or you can fish them on the hair as you would a boilie, they are quite soft baits and can come off the hair very easily when casting so what can you do to stoop this? Cut them into the required size and shape and freeze them, leave an open flask in the freezer for an hour before going fishing then put the frozen chunks of meat in the flask... use em straight from the flask (frozen) and you'll be able to cast them any distance you like, use a big hair stop or a small twig to keep them on the hair..... a great and very cheap bait!

Peperami - Another good meat bait which is very easy to use, it's has a very tough skin which means its excellent for the hair, it has a great smell and leaks oils probably along with flavor and smells............ good bait!

Meats Commercially Produced for Angling - Some of the well known bait companies are now producing their own meat baits which can be used just like luncheon meat and spam, these come in a variety of flavors shapes and sizes, most of these baits are made from processed luncheon meat. if you want to try these baits then look out for these manufacturers; Sensas, Dynamite and Van Den Eynde ..... all these are worth trying and all will catch a variety of species, not just carp.

Meatballs - I've never used these but I have heard of them being used with some success in particular the ones made by Campbell's...... worth a try but I don't think I would use them were small fish are present as they are quite soft.

Meats can be a great catcher where boilies nuts and so on have been done to death, fry em, freeze em, liquidize add eggs flavour and boilie em ... "Give em a try you might get a nice surprise"


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