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Carp (Cyprinus carpio)
The Carp was introduced into the United Kingdom by the Romans and is now common
in slow rivers, lakes and canals. They feed on bottom living invertebrates and
plant materials. The Carp have a deep body with a long dorsal fin and a pair of
barbules. All carp and related fish possess a toothless mouth and have
pharyngeal teeth at the beginning of the gullet to make grinding food into more
digestible sized pieces easier.
They usually spawn in reed beds around May and June and lay hundreds of
thousands of tiny eggs. Over the years, many different varieties of carp have
bred since they were originally introduced to the United Kingdom. The original
wild carp have become more rare than the newer crossbred variety. The different
varieties of carp found in the United Kingdom waters include:- The Common Carp:
these are dark bronze and fully scaled. The Mirror Carp: these have large
irregular shaped scales. Linear Mirror Carp: these have scales present only in
lateral lines. Ghost Carp: these are a white version of the common or mirror
Carp. Koi Carp: these are an ornamental fish that comes in a variety of
combinations of colour, usually red, orange, black and white.
Look for natural cover such as overhanging trees or lilies and target the
margins. Always look for visible signs of fish moving around. Usually bubbles or
silt rising as the carp disturb the bottom whilst routing for food will be the
most obvious signs.
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